As parents and older loved ones age, they can find themselves unadjusted to a new dynamic of society. Where once they might have trusted many people in their younger days, they're now faced with the sad reality that not everyone who offers help is truly interested in helping them. As a younger care giver or family member, it's up to you to keep an eye out for financial abuse of your loved one.
What is financial abuse?
Financial abuse can take many forms. Basically, it's the illegal embezzlement, theft, or misappropriation of funds or possessions from an elderly person to someone else. Many elderly people have a difficult time caring for themselves so often depend on others to handle their affairs. If the person handling financial and personal affairs is not honest, financial abuse can occur. Financial abuse occurs for too often.
Who could be financially abusing your love one?
Consider checking the backgrounds of those caring for your loved one such as nurses, home health care attendants, personal caretakers, and nursing home personnel. Often those who you'd trust most with your loved one can be the ones abusing them. Not to indict all medical professionals, many only want what's best for your elderly patient, but be careful to watch for any signs of elderly abuse.
What to do if you suspect financial elder abuse?
Financial Elder Abuse is far more common than most people realize. If you believe your loved one is being taken advantage of financially, don't hesitate to act. Gather information on why you believe they are being abused and seek positive evidence of these acts. Find a local attorney in your area who deals with elder law and seek his/her help in determining if enough evidence exists for legal action to take place. Do not approach the abuser personally until you are sure you have legal actions in place.
Antelope Valley estate planning law firm Thompson Von Tungeln (TVT) offers assistance to victims of financial abuse.. As Board Certified Specialists in Estate Planning, Trusts and Probate as certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization, partners Mark E. Thompson and Kevin L. Von Tungeln are expertly equipped to serve these clients with the creative, effective and custom solutions they demand. For more information, contact TVT at (661) 426-2499 or visit their websites at and
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